Nicholas Schey, MD
Healthy Living

Flu Season is Upon Us: Dr. Schey Shares His Thoughts

Nov 3 2022

The following piece was written by Nicholas Schey, MD, a pediatrician at Bon Secours Pediatrics of Mechanicsville.

As the cooler weather rolls in here this year, and you get ready to head out for some holiday activities, consider taking a moment to protect your children – and yourself – from the flu.

You might think of flu as a mild illness, but it actually hospitalizes thousands of people every year. In some cases, people even die from the flu. It is estimated that more than 500 children die from complications of the flu each year in the United States.

So, who should get a flu shot?

EVERYONE over 6 months old, as long as you have never had a severe allergic reaction to a previous flu vaccine or an ingredient. Talk to your primary care provider or child’s pediatrician first if you have any severe allergies or other concerns.

Can I get a flu shot if I’m allergic to eggs?

Yes, you can! In 2018, based on many studies, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended that people with any egg allergy can safely get a flu vaccine. There is essentially no risk of a severe reaction, because the amount of egg protein in the vaccine is so incredibly low. If you’re still not convinced, ask your primary care provider or child’s pediatrician about some newer types of flu vaccines made completely egg-free.

Why should I get a flu vaccine when it might not cover all the strains of flu?

It’s true that sometimes the flu vaccines do not match the flu infections perfectly, but it’s usually at least around 50 percent which is better than the 0 percent you have if you don’t get a vaccine.

Also, if you get a case of the flu after getting a flu vaccine, it’s much less likely to be severe.

With COVID-19 still around, there might be even more reason to get protected because:

  • The flu and COVID-19 have similar symptoms, so if you get the flu you might end up doing extra testing and isolation for COVID-19.
  • Getting the flu and COVID-19 together could be more dangerous.
  • If you have to go to the doctor for the flu, you might risk getting exposed to COVID-19.

Won’t flu cases be rare this season like they were last year?

We don’t know for sure, but we expect flu cases to be higher this year because so many of the COVID-19 social distancing policies are no longer in place. Also, part of the reason rates stayed so low last year was that a record number of flu vaccines were given.

Is it OK to get a flu vaccine if I recently had a COVID-19 vaccine?

YES! There is no time restriction after a COVID-19 vaccine to get any other vaccine, including the flu shot. You can even get them both at the same time. While initially it was recommended to wait two weeks after a COVID-19 vaccine to get other vaccines, we now know that’s not necessary.

Can I get the flu vaccine if I have COVID-19?

The CDC recommends not getting other vaccines if you have COVID-19 until you are cleared from your isolation, or if you are in a recommended quarantine for COVID-19. After that, it’s safe.

Shouldn’t I wait to get my flu shot so that it doesn’t wear off by the end of the season?

No, please don’t wait! While some studies have suggested that immunity might wear off with time, this is more likely in older people, and it still provides some protection. Flu cases could start picking up anytime, and you will have no protection if you wait. Plus, it takes about two weeks after getting your vaccine to have maximum protection.

For more information on the flu and flu vaccine, visit the CDC’s website.

Also, learn about the primary care services we offer at Bon Secours.

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