In our healthy living category, you’ll find helpful posts filled with recipes as well as wellness information and tips. With a well-rounded approach to health, these posts will help improve by focusing on mind, body and spirit.
Healthy Living
The holidays may be over, but the winter season is just beginning. With it can come a whole new set of health...
Today kids have access to more electronic devices than ever before. Between smartphones, game systems, televisions and laptops, kids are spending an...
Along with wearing a face mask and practicing social distancing, washing your hands throughout the day is one of the best ways...
Is taking a nice, long nap on your holiday break to-do list? Some rest and relaxation are needed for all of us...
We’ve all experienced a pretty big shift in our routines and lifestyle during the COVID-19 pandemic. While social gathering restrictions have limited...
Experts agree that face masks slow the spread of COVID-19. When a person with this virus wears a face mask, the chances...
When we’re young or feeling good, we might not think too much about our health. However, taking certain steps can help us...
December officially kicks off flu season. This means that flu activity in our communities is starting to ramp up once again. Knowing...
The flu is a normal illness for most individuals. After a few days with a cough, body aches, fever and resting at...
Washing your hands often and avoiding close contact with people who are great ways to help slow down the spread of COVID-19....