joint replacement
Sports / Orthopedic

Signs You May Need a Joint Replacement

Nov 18 2022

Sometimes, the signs of joint pain come on subtly. As we grow older, the wear and tear on our joints can lead to the bones knocking together, causing stiffness and discomfort. And then, the need for surgery may become obvious when constant pain becomes too much for daily life.

“Having a joint replaced is a quality of life decision,” Colin Mudrick, MD, of Tuckahoe – Bon Secours Orthopedics, shares. “If you have pain on a daily basis, find yourself avoiding things that you used to enjoy and/or have difficulty sleeping, it may be time to consider pursuing a new joint, and with it, a new lease on life.”

Luckily, joint replacements, especially knee and hip, are common procedures. And if you lead an active lifestyle, a knee or hip replacement may help you resume your favorite activities with reduced pain.

First and foremost, persistent pain in any joint area is a clear sign to consult with an orthopedic physician.

Other signs you may need a joint replacement include:

  • Difficulty sleeping: A good night’s sleep is beneficial to your overall health, and good rest also aids in reducing joint pain. If you find your joint pain carries into the night and keeps you awake, it could be a sign to consider a procedure.
  • Difficulty walking and bending the joint: When stairs become a challenge, it may be a sign that medications and topical treatments can only give so much relief. Exercise is good for lubricating the joints and decreasing stiffness, but increased pain with the simplest of activities might mean taking the next step.
  • Physical deformity: If your knee appears swollen or bowing in a way that isn’t usual, these could be signs to take action. Don’t wait too long for physical appearances to change for the worse.

If you are experiencing any signs that you may need a joint replacement, we are here to help! Our experienced orthopedic physicians can help you design a treatment plan that meets your needs and gets you on the road to recovery as soon as possible.

Learn more about the orthopedics and sports medicine services we offer at Bon Secours.

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