what is a health screening
Healthy Living

What is a Health Screening? Preventive Care With Your Primary Care Provider

May 21 2024

In today’s fast-paced world, where health concerns are on the rise, it’s essential to be proactive about your well-being. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is through health screenings. But what is a health screening?

Health screening tests are a valuable tool that allows you to assess your current health status, detect potential risks and take early steps towards preventing serious illnesses. Knowing what health screenings are, the common types of health screenings and why they matter can contribute to a healthier life.

What is a health screening?

A health screening is a series of tests and assessments that are conducted to evaluate an individual’s overall health and identify any potential health issues or risks. These screenings often depend on your age and are tailored to gender, medical history, family history and lifestyle factors.

The goal of health screenings is to catch health problems in their earliest stages, even before noticeable symptoms arise, and to empower individuals to make informed decisions about their health.

Why do health screenings matter?

Early detection

One of the most significant advantages of health screenings is their ability to find diseases and other health issues in their early stages. Many serious health conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes and certain cancers, are easier to treat and more manageable when detected early. Regular screenings offer a crucial opportunity for early intervention, leading to better treatment outcomes and improved quality of life.


Health screenings play a crucial role in preventive health care. By identifying risk factors and potential health problems, individuals can make necessary lifestyle changes to reduce their risk of developing chronic diseases. For instance, if high cholesterol or elevated blood pressure is detected, health care providers can offer guidance on dietary modifications, exercise routines and medications that can help mitigate these risks.

Informed decisions

Knowledge is power when it comes to your health. The insights gained from health screenings empower individuals to make informed decisions about their well-being. Based on the results, individuals can collaborate with health care professionals to create personalized health plans that address specific concerns and goals.

Peace of mind

Even if a health screening reveals no concerns, the reassurance of a clean bill of health can provide peace of mind. Conversely, if an issue is identified, the proactive approach to addressing it can reduce anxiety and uncertainty about potential health problems.

How often should you do a health screening?

Health screenings should be done on an annual basis by your provider.

Common types of health screenings

Health screenings are one of the most important tools primary care providers use to learn more about a patient’s current medical state. Therefore, during appointments with your primary care provider, you are likely to undergo one or more of the following health screenings.

Blood pressure measurement

High blood pressure, or hypertension, is a significant risk factor for heart disease and stroke. Regular blood pressure checks are essential for individuals of all ages, as they help monitor cardiovascular health and allow for timely intervention if hypertension is detected.

Cholesterol tests

Cholesterol levels are key indicators of heart health. Elevated levels of “bad” cholesterol (LDL) can contribute to atherosclerosis, a condition where plaque accumulates in the arteries, increasing the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Cholesterol screenings help individuals understand their cholesterol profile and take appropriate actions to manage it.

Blood glucose tests

These types of blood tests assess blood sugar levels. Elevated levels can indicate diabetes or prediabetes, conditions that require careful management to prevent complications. Early detection through regular blood glucose screenings is vital for effective diabetes management.

Cancer screenings

Screenings like mammograms, Pap smears and colonoscopies are pivotal for the early detection of breast, cervical and colon cancers, respectively. They are also important because these and others, such as prostate cancer in men, often don’t exhibit symptoms early. These screenings can identify abnormalities or cancerous cells at an early stage, significantly increasing the chances of successful treatment.

Body mass index (BMI) measurement

BMI is a simple calculation that relates weight to height and provides insights into whether an individual’s weight falls within a healthy range. Maintaining a healthy BMI is crucial for overall well-being and the prevention of various health issues, such as heart disease and diabetes.

While BMI is no longer recommended as the sole measurement to assess your health, it is still considered one of many factors that gauge health and risk factors for disease.

Bone density tests

These tests assess the density and strength of bones, indicating the risk of osteoporosis – a condition that weakens bones and increases the likelihood of fractures. Bone density screenings are particularly important for postmenopausal women and older adults.

Mental health

Many primary care providers are including screening for mental health conditions, such as depression and anxiety, as part of their annual wellness checks. Other behavioral health screenings, such as alcohol and drug abuse, have also been added following recommendations from several medical organizations in an effort to better identify warning signs, increase awareness and intervene earlier.

Health screenings for your better health

Health screenings are more than just a set of tests; they are your allies in the journey toward a healthier life. By identifying potential health risks and allowing for early intervention, health screenings empower you to take control of your well-being. Remember, prevention is key, and staying proactive about your health today can lead to a healthier and more vibrant future.

Learn about the primary care services we provide at Bon Secours. 

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