men's health screenings
Healthy Living

Annual Men’s Health Screenings Check List

Jun 12 2024

Many communications efforts are in place to help remind women about certain important health screenings they need every year. However, it’s important to have reminders for men’s health screenings as well.

Trends show that men tend to avoid going to the doctor for a variety of reasons. They still need specific annual health screenings to ensure their well-being. Doing so can help men reduce potential risks and take control of their health.

Depending on a man’s age and other risk factors, here are a few men’s health screenings all men should consider getting. If any of these apply to you, talk to your primary care provider about whether these screenings are appropriate and when you should get them.

Regular physical exam

We’ll start off with the basics. At every age, you should have a yearly physical exam. The exam will consist of general readings such as height, weight and your body mass index (BMI). A mental health exam also screens for depression and risky lifestyle habits.

Other vital signs your doctor will check include heart rate, respiration rate and body temperature. They’ll also check your blood pressure – having your blood pressure checked regularly is necessary to prevent high blood pressure.

You may also perform simple blood tests, which can check for type 2 diabetes, cholesterol and other markers of health conditions.

Vaccination updates

Men between the ages of 18 and 39 require numerous immunizations. In addition to an annual flu shot, ask your provider if you should have the following vaccinations scheduled:

  • A tetanus-diphtheria and acellular pertussis (Tdap) vaccine at age 19, followed by a booster shot every 10 years
  • One to two doses of the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine, if you’re not already immune
  • Two doses of varicella vaccine, if you’ve never previously had chickenpox or the vaccine
  • The human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine between the ages of 19 and 26

Other men’s health screenings to consider

So, what are other health screenings you should ask your provider about? They include abdominal aortic aneurysm, colorectal cancer screening and prostate cancer screening, especially if you have a strong family history, in order to catch these health conditions in early stages.

Eye exam

At age 55, start having eye exams every one to three years. You will need to see if you’re at risk for developing glaucoma.

Infectious disease screening

All adults between the ages of 18 to 79 should have a test for hepatitis C. It is a one-time test.

Younger men between the ages of 18 and 39 need screening for sexually transmitted infections (STIs). STIs include syphilis, chlamydia and HIV infection.

Lung cancer screening

If you have smoked over the years, you may be eligible for a lung cancer screening. Most doctors recommend this screening even if you quit smoking in the past 15 years. While the requirements between the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force differ slightly, you should talk to your doctor about if or when you should get this screening.

Oral screening

Men of every age should have a dental check-up every six months. An oral screening does more than brighten up your pearly whites. Oral screenings check for serious issues, such as mouth cancer.

Osteoporosis screening

Younger men don’t need to worry about this screening. But between the ages of 50 and 70, you may see a risk for osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis weakens the bones. Steroids used long term, smoking, consuming alcohol or fracturing a bone after age 50 puts you in a risk category as well.

How we can help

It can be difficult to know how often men’s health screenings should be done, especially if you haven’t been to the doctor for an extended period of time. However, you can easily start the process by reaching out to your primary care provider. If you don’t have one, finding a doctor you trust can help ensure you get the preventive care you need to stay healthy.

Learn about the primary care services we offer at Bon Secours.

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