Jessica L. Kelley, BSN, RN, is a nightshift charge nurse in the emergency department of Bon Secours St. Francis Medical Center. Her...
As a ministry, we celebrate the opportunity to work with Project SEARCH participants and share our Mission with them. This innovative internship...
Meet Amanda Posey, LPN (pictured above, right)! She works in the behavioral health unit at Bon Secours Southern Virginia Medical Center and...
Kathe Ware, RN, MSN, NEA-BC, CNOR, a hospital administrator and vice president of nursing at Bon Secours Southern Virginia Medical Center (pictured...
Gosia Sergi (pictured above), a nursing supervisor at Bon Secours Maryview Medical Center, was flying to Ft. Lauderdale for a family vacation...
Congratulations are in order for Gary Samuels, one of our EMS coordinators. Last month, he received the 2022 Governor’s EMS Award “Excellence...
Sports / Orthopedic
When you think of November, you probably think of fall leaves and Thanksgiving. However, there’s one more thing you need to add...
The care innovation unit (CIU) at Bon Secours Southside Medical Center is a dedicated nursing unit that is serving as a testing...
There is currently a great demand for the right employees with the right skills. And our Project SEARCH program at Bon Secours...
Alan W. Rock, M.Div, D.Min, one of our chaplains, has worked at Bon Secours Rappahannock General Hospital (RGH) for the last six...