Dr. Calvin Snipes

“This Day is Theirs as Well”: Dr. Snipes Doctors’ Day Reflection

Mar 30 2021

Last year was an unprecedented Doctors’ Day. On March 30, just weeks after being thrusted into a global pandemic, we spent the day encouraging our frontline heroes during some very dark hours.

This year, Doctors’ Day celebrations are based in reflection for most of our providers. Calvin Snipes, MD, a primary care provider at Foothills Internal Medicine, was kind enough to share some of his personal thoughts on his career and COVID-19.

“I have truly been blessed to have known at an early age that I wanted to practice medicine. I was around hospitals as far back as I can remember. My dad was a hospital administrator and my mother was an RN.

To say this past year was challenging would obviously be a gross understatement. I had just flown in from a wonderful vacation the first week of March 2020. That is when the  COVID-19 shutdowns began and  it felt like the bottom fell out.

Looking back, what I witnessed from our ministry’s response to this crisis was nothing short of remarkable, if not miraculous. I was so proud of the incredible efforts from our team at Foothills Internal Medicine and the entire Bon Secours health care system as they provided the tools and people power to keep the ‘machine running’ for our patients and staff.

I think this Doctors’ Day should also be called Health Care Team Day. Major kudos go out to the teams who prepared our clinics and hospitals for the onslaught of COVID-19. This goes from last March all the way to vaccine administration now and anticipating any future post-COVID plans.

We all learned a lot this last year in terms of new communication skills and how to care for our patients in ways we never imagined. However, I believe without a doubt that we will use this knowledge in ways to benefit the delivery of health care in the future, especially with virtual technology. I was pleasantly surprised how well most patients have embraced this new way of practicing medicine.

We must never forget the basic reasons why we went into the field of medicine. I think we all have a true desire to help our patients and enjoy the joy it brings us. There is tremendous satisfaction in our thirst for learning as well, and we can satisfy this daily with every patient that we see as well as with our continuing education outside of the office. We must continue to make an effort with each and every patient to listen to their unique story… I believe that this is what our patients want and deserve.

So, for this Doctor’s Day (my 35th in practice), thanks for the recognition given to us. However, I hope all physicians will take this opportunity to look around and give a virtual hug, a kind word and loving thanks to those fantastic teammates of ours who worked so hard this past year for all of us.  This day is theirs as well.”

Has a Bon Secours provider made a difference in your life? Help us celebrate Doctors’ Day today by sending your provider a message of thanks.

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