fireworks safety tips
Healthy Living

Four Fireworks Safety Tips for Your Holiday

Jul 3 2024

Fireworks are often associated with food, parties and a lot of fun. However, for the thousands of people sent to the emergency room from fireworks each year, it’s a much different experience. While fireworks can be a lot of fun, they should be handled with caution. Use these fireworks safety tips to enjoy your light show with ease.

Fireworks safety tips

Read labels

Just because you’ve used fireworks in the past doesn’t make you an expert. Because all fireworks are different, reading labels is important to make sure you are setting fireworks off correctly. It can often be surprising how different each set of fireworks can be. Therefore, taking extra caution is always recommended.

Keep water nearby

If a firework doesn’t work, soak it in a bucket of water. No one should handle malfunctioning fireworks, and they should never be re-lit. Knowing the dud fireworks are in a bucket of water will prevent anyone at the party from trying to do so.

Having water accessible is also important in case of fire. While you should always light fireworks a safe distance from trees and structures, accidents happen. Ensuring you have a water source nearby is critical in case a fire does start.

Help children

While kids are often enticed by the bright lights, you should never let them operate fireworks on their own. Always have an adult take the lead. This is also a great opportunity to teach children safety tips, as they watch the supervising adult.

Additionally, consider what fireworks, including sparklers, are going to be used if children are present. Sparklers burn about 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit, which is hot enough to melt some metals. Some fireworks, which still pose a burn risk, are considered safer around children, including glow worms and colored snakes, because they stay on the ground. You can even forego fireworks altogether when children are around and use an alternative, such as glow sticks.

Avoid alcohol

Simply put — alcohol and fireworks don’t mix. If you want to have a few drinks, choose someone else from your group to operate the fireworks. Lighting fireworks while impaired significantly raises your risk of getting injured or accidentally injuring someone else.

Putting safety first ensures fireworks will be a fun and safe experience, as intended.

How we can help

You can follow all the fireworks safety tips and accidents can still happen. If you do get a minor injury or burn, a local urgent care can handle it. However, for more serious injuries and burns, you’ll have to make the trip to the emergency department.

Learn more about the health care services offered at Bon Secours.

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